2. Pragmatic and intelligent

We are realistic, have both feet planted firmly on the ground and our working method is practically oriented. Before we start implementation, we examine various options and make an assessment of the risks. Thanks to our experience and expertise, we know very well what is technically possible and (especially) impossible. We are always honest with our customers about this.

3. Innovative and groundbreaking

We are innovative and groundbreaking; both in response to customer demand and on our own initiative. If something seems impossible, we do everything we can to make it possible. We do this by means of completely new innovations, the introduction of new techniques or the combination of existing (sub)components in a new way.

The history

This is Kouwenberg


Twee broers starten Kouwenberg Infra met 40 tons boormachine


Twee nieuwe machines een 150 tons en een 80 tons


Verhuizing van boerenstal naar Industriepark in Schaijk


Eerste boring met gres onder een spoorweg in Nederland


Winnaar No Dig Award 'Innovatief vervangen riolering'


Start Gesloten Front Techniek Introductie EGP-Tube


10 jarig jubileum


Overname Microtunneling Visser & Smit Hanab


Start langste E-Power Pipe boring én introductie UXO Drill en Nano Drill


15 jarig jubileum